TJ&J Elzinga
"ESMEE": 3x1ste
1 NPO Châlons 4269p
2 Sittard 6763p
4 NPO Truide 20435p
7 Duffel 4022p
8 Gennep 2788p
21 Weert 3706p
37 Sens 6036p
43 Sens 8725p
67 Gennep 2788p
70 Douai 12133p
1e NAT Acebird 2014. Pedigree:

TJ&J Elzinga
"ESMEE": 3x1ste
1 NPO Châlons 4269p
2 Sittard 6763p
4 NPO Truide 20435p
7 Duffel 4022p
8 Gennep 2788p
21 Weert 3706p
37 Sens 6036p
43 Sens 8725p
1e NAT Acebird 2014.
Olympiad Pigeon 15"
Budapest Alround. Pedigree:

Preț pui: 450 lei

Consangvin "JONGE BLIKSEM"
Superkw.en vader van
1e Blois 37.728 d
1e Chateaur.22.340 d
1e Chateaur. 5.620 d
2e Salbris 7.573 d Pedigree:

Linie ****"HARRY"****
1e asduif dagfond
WHZB 2009
1eNat Ace L.D. 2009
1e Blois 37.728 P
le chater 22.340 p
3rd Chateau. 21520 p Pedigree:

Preț pui: 450 lei

Top Bllodlines :
Bliksem, Albertine
Mpenza, Neptunis
Line **LION KING**
1/2045 Tours
3/2054 Bourges
5/3250 Argenton Pedigree:

Inbreed **Rudy**
76e Tours 2791d
28e Argenton 5134d
19e Bourges 1279d
18e Argenton 2401d
8e Tours 162d
4e Argenton 407d Pedigree:

Preț pui: 450 lei

1e National ACE Sprint 2017
4th Nat. Ace Pigeon Sprint KBDB 2016
1st Ecouen 1,082 p.
1st Ecouen 841 p.
1st Pont 623 p.
1st Pont 548 p.
2nd Pont 1,166 p.
2nd Pont 1,154 p.
2nd Pont 639 p.
2e National KBDB Sprint'18
1e National KBDB Sprint'19 Pedigree:

1st Nat. Ace Pigeon Sprint KBDB 2017 with a record coefficient 0.89%)
4th Nat. Ace Pigeon Sprint KBDB 2016
1st Ecouen 1,082 p.
1st Ecouen 841 p.
1st Pont 623 p.
1st Pont 548 p.
2nd Pont 1,166 p.
2nd Pont 1,154 p.
2nd Pont 639 p.
1e asduif dagfond WHZB'09
1eNat Ace L.D. 2009 Pedigree:

Preț pui: 500 lei

Consangvin HARRY***
1e asduif dagfond WHZB 2009
1eNat Ace L.D. 2009
1e Blois 37.728 P
le chater 22.340 p
3rd Chateau. 21520 p
6e Monlincour.4418 P
15e Stromb. 4358 p Pedigree:

"Sora cu Loc 2 AS Pattaya 2021"
Linie Harry :
1 NPO Montlucon'14
1 Prv.Nijvel 28297p
1 NatZ Bourge 3788p
1 Prv Argenton 727p
2 Prv.Nijvel 8891p
2 Prv.Bourge 1661p Pedigree:

Preț pui: 450 lei

Linie of Bliksem:
1. Poitiers 1448p
2. Chateauroux 4662p
4. Ruffec 1778p
5. Pergueux 1119p
5. Chartres 668p
8. Poitiers 2975p
67.Chateauroux 4662p Pedigree:

Nepoata RUDY:
18 Argenton 2401p
19 Bourges 1279p
28 Argenton 5134p
RUDY este tatal lui *SUPER ROMEO*:
1 Nat.Tulle 5731p
1 Bourges 228p Pedigree:

Preț pui: 500 lei

Consangvin Black Power
4e.As-Reg.AS Pigeon
1e.Ruffec 728km 471p
2 Etampe 426km 1611p
3 Etampe 426km 1687p
9 Sezann 328km 1159p Pedigree:

Linie Black Power
4e.As-Reg.AS Pigeon
1e.Ruffec 728km 471p
2 Etampe 426km 1611p
3 Etampe 426km 1687p
9 Sezann 328km 1159p

Preț pui: 500 lei
Preț pui: 700 lei

Concurata Columbodrom International Brasov
27e HS Valcele 180km
176 HS Zalau 250km
180e Fin Forro 450km
266 HS Ludus 140km
496eSemiF Horea333km
Full sister with
mother of "DENIS"
2e ACE Pigeon 5
races OLR Int Brasov
2e HS Zalau 250km
7e SemiF Horea 333km
64e HS Valcele 180km
80e Final Forro450km
104e HS Ludus 140km Pedigree:

Preț pui: 400 lei

"Corabia Blue M"
Tatal lui:
212696-20 columbodrom Tricolorul
Semifinala 330 km loc 4
Finala 430 km Loc 26
Hot Spot 1 140 km Loc 33
Hot Spot 3 250 km Loc 93
Hot Spot 2 190 km Loc 221
212695-20 columbodrom International Brașov
Finala 450 km Loc 12
Semifinala 330 km Loc 42
Hot Spot 2 180 km Loc 168
Hot Spot 1 140 km Loc 207
Hot Spot 3 250 km Loc 415

"Gaby Lady K"
Mama lui:
212696-20 columbodrom Tricolorul
Semifinala 330 km loc 4
Finala 430 km Loc 26
Hot Spot 1 140 km Loc 33
Hot Spot 3 250 km Loc 93
Hot Spot 2 190 km Loc 221
212695-20 columbodrom International Brașov
Finala 450 km Loc 12
Semifinala 330 km Loc 42
Hot Spot 2 180 km Loc 168
Hot Spot 1 140 km Loc 207
Hot Spot 3 250 km Loc 415 Pedigree:

Preț pui: 400 lei